This mapping method does not display correctly from 8.0 to 8.3. I hope the next version will fix this bug.
Hello, thanks for the report.
Are you opening that 3dm file directly from KeyShot?
Filed the bug: RH-80057 KeyShot: texture mapping wrong on Rhino 8 model
No, I sent it to keyshot12 through the command “KeyShotrender” or “KeyShotUpdate” in Rhino7/8.
I have a similar issue with UV mapping from Rhino 8 to Keyshot 11. Using mapping coordinates from Rhino 7 for the same model produces the correct results, but Rhino 8 export to Keyshot (using the Keyshot plugin from Rhino and any other method I have tried) does not produce the correct results.
We are preparing a work around so you can keep rendering while the bug is getting fixed.
Do you have an approximate timeline? I have moved back to Rhino 7 for now since the workflow still works for me, but it would be great to utilize some of the features of UV mapping that is available in Rhino 8 if it worked.
Just checking in here @Jussi_Aaltonen as this affects my daily workflow.
The screenshots in the first post are from a cracked Rhino 7, not Rhino 8
Hi @esmith1,
We are working on fixing this problem. Meanwhile as a workaround in Rhino 8.5 there will be a hidden test command called TestFillInLegacyTextureCoordinates which needs to be run right before sending the model to KeyShot.
Thank you, Jussi.
When will 8.5 be available as a standard update rather than a release candidate?
Probably a week from tomorrow… (12 March). Maybe a day later depending on your time zone. At the same time 8.6 SRC should get released.
I’d like to report that the fix is working for my process now in 8.6. Thank you!
I spoke too soon. There are still issues with the UV export to Keyshot. See below screen clips of Rhino UV map vs. what Keyshot is getting.
And when I use the command TestFillInLegacyTextureCoordinates, the scale in Keyshot is WAY off, but at least the texture is mapped correctly (results shown after texture has been scaled):
Hi @mcneelsoftware and @Jussi_Aaltonen ,I am not getting any response on this topic. Please help as this is a very frustrating bug in Rhino 8.
I haven’t heard of any updates from KeyShot
Could you upload that file so I can take a look why TestFillInLegacyTextureCoordinates fails there? Rhino - Upload to Support
I actually think the scale is fine - the numbers make sense to me in Keyshot, but they are certainly different than the numbers I have to input for texture size using the stock Rhino 8 UV coordinates.
I will upload the Rhino file I am working on for you, but I need your email address to use the link you sent.
you can use - and put a link to this discussion in the comments section so the file can find its way to @Jussi_Aaltonen
Thanks @nathanletwory