There’s some older posts on this which I’ll look at later but a bit tight for time.
I’m having major issues with texture mapping in Twin Motion. It feels broken. Textures imported from Rhino are scaled (and rotated) all funny. I’ve tried using both DataSmith and importing an FBX file. The FBX file is worse in that objects are linked to one another when applying textures somewhat randomly (the objects are neither on the same layer nor share the same material in the Rhino file).
The file is small enough that I could just apply textures to each object/face in Twinmotion. But mapping each object individually within Rhino, and then messing around with the textures again in Twinmotion would probably take to long and spell game over.
Within Rhino itself I’m able to get the textures placed how I want them. Rhino Render isn’t an option because the results I get just aren’t great (probably more due to my laptop - V-Ray was okay, not perfect but useable).
Workflow recommendations as well as recommendations for tutorials/YouTube videos are appreciated. I’ve watched a few but only one was semi-helpful. Most already have their textures in place.
I’ve dug in a bit. It seems that the older versions of Twinmotion had a “fix UV” option… My model is behaving a little differently compared to what I’m seeing in the YouTube videos. Many of those videos are 1,2, or 3 (or more) years old.
If anyone’s curious, the issue I’m faced with is how Twinmotion applies materials to objects; objects with the same material are linked together, so it’s impossible to get a texture mapped correctly unless I create a separate material for each individual object (and in some cases explode objects). I might be able to fix some textures by painstakingly mapping objects within Rhino itself, but that would be a project-and-a-half. Options within Twinmotion itself seem to be severely limited.
The program would otherwise be amazing. I’m really a fan of anything perpetual and it’s priced very reasonably; plus assets galore. Next step for me is to try D5 render. Subscription but not too expensive. I suspect that these rendering apps reach ceilings and tend to flounder; a new one comes along that’s ground breaking and then a few years layer rinse and repeat…
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yeah, the placement of UVs in Rhino doesn’t translate well into TW. I’m giving it another try soon.
That’s why I’m safely sticking with my good old vray
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Who knows maybe it will play better with R8. I found Twinmotions controls somewhat easy to adapt to. I kind of struggled with Vray but could get good results (good results relative to my skill level). I do seem to be struggling with many modern UI’s compared to programs from the 90’s and 00’s so maybe it’s me and not V-Ray’s UI. For comparison I’m head-over-heels in love with Rhino’s old-style UI.
I’m going to give D5 Render a go tonight. It’s subscription but they also offer month-by-month; I can live with the latter.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand… D5 Render is a no go: It won’t even let me launch the program and states that my video card is unsupported. Okay/whatever. It’s not recognizing the fact that my video card is using shared memory (I think). Likely my computer would run the program if it would simply launch, it just wouldn’t perform great. This is a $1,000 laptop bought a little over two years ago so my expectations aren’t high.
The frustrating part is that they advertised that the app was more forgiving for lighter hardware.
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Now, I know the problem!
Twinmotion reads Rhino’s Geometry as Exported Mesh with UV coordinates, by using Rhino Materials Like Brick (most of them are automatically created to be placed in a world coordinate system) and mapped to the object as a bounding box. This relationship is lost in the translation to Twinmotion.

The fix is to unwrap all the objects and create a good UV geometry, the easiest tool is “_unwrap”. once all the UVs are in place, the results will work as expected.
Rhino Geometry :
I i’m facing the same issue as the user in the original post and it feels like your solution might help solve the issue.
I’m having this problem where all similar materials in Rhino are read as a Single element in Twinmotion. Does your solution help solve this issue? If that so, could you elaborate a little on the process of exporting the model to twinmotion? I would really love a little step by step with more details. I am a Twinmotion user, but in no way a Rhino user 
Appreciate the help!
Looks like that you are collapsing your file by materials, there are other ways of collapsing your objects. these settings can be found once you initiate a direct import link.

You can read more below:
Getting Started using the Datasmith Workflows with Twinmotion (
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FWIW, Rhino seems to be sending perfectly good files. Export then import to Blender worked as expected.
Twinmotion seems to absolutely SUCK at understanding UVs, which is disappointing considering how useful it feels like it can be… if texture mapping with precision isn’t needed.
To test this theory, I simply created a square texture and in Illustrator, exported as. .jpg, imported it to Twinmotion, and it felt like it had absolutely no idea whatsoever how to scale or place it. Even after tweaking the numeric settings (which should NOT be necessary for standard box mapping) I couldn’t get it, but didn’t get into the thousandths.
So, to answer your question: Yes, it’s that bad.
Thanks for sharing!
This is timely as I’m currently looking at rendering options.
Enscape worked best for me but there are issues with R8 apparently (they’ve acknowledged and are working on them - fair enough). It can’t be optimal having one company developing like 12 different engines at once. Enscape did seem like the best so I will likely try it for R8 whenever it’s ready.
D5 looks really good. Almost too good considering the price. This is the one I’ll probably try next and come here to cry about if I can’t get it to work
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I’d like to check out D5, though I won’t be mapping in R8. One of the things I liked about Twinmotion was drag-and-drop texturing, though without the ability to get the UVs working in some standard way, it’s not going to work out.
You may be referring to my other post here, so hoping for it to be resolved soon!