I´ve really tried and searched the forum and web, but i do not find the real problem.
i do have different information from different locations means - shp files (including all necessary dbf, prj, etc…) osm files, vector, curves…
at the end the problem is:
all my imported shape files have problem with distorsions
all my imported json files have problem with distorsions
only osm is working without any distorsion
shp files are in WGS84, transferred outside of rhino/urbano, and they are ok. in every other software. as soon as i import it into Rhino this happens (picture1)
the part on the left is transfomed to the right. this also happens to json files. the original shp file is in three coordinate systems MGI , which normally is no problem.
it does not matter if i change proj / utm / vector etc - distorsion/problem stays. the only thing : if i do delete the linked .pfj file, the data is tiny scaled in Rhino, and looks ok (but not “remapped”)
one thing could help - if i only use osm files, it could work out BUT i need a complete country, which is only possible in osm.pbf - and i cannot import it.
i was in superhurry earlier this year, and the transformation worked out for this area. i thought, ok its a problem of the transformation tool, perhaps i can solve it later on.
now i have to solve the rest of the country, where the problems starts, because the tool does it ok.
i did try to get in contact with the Urbano Team but my question was to translate the data to WGS84 with urbano - at this time (earlier this week) i thought the problem was the external translation tool
With heron i could try to translate it, but the thing is: it is done ok by the external tranlator tool - so there is no problem.
if i try to import via heron: something happens. but there are not points, though the red curve (shp file extends) is inside of the black curve (crop boundary).
if i delete the black curve (crop boundary) nothing comes in (no fields etc).
Hi @ewaldneuhofer
With the ImportVector and ImportOSM components of Heron you can bring in shapefile and OSM vector data, automatically transformed to WGS84 and scaled to your Rhino file’s units based on the EarthAnchorPoint (which can be set with Heron’s SetEAP). You should not need to transform the incoming data from the original coordinate systems, Heron will take care of it. Heron defaults to transforming data to WGS84, but with the HeronSRS, you can set it to use any valid coordinate system.
If you post some sample SHP and OSM files (zipped), I can put together a definition to show you how it works.
import through urbano:
osm, shp and json file fitting together but shp/json file do have problems with distorion (as mentioned above) outside of the shown area.
blue:shp file
points: from osm, natural feature, more ore less perfect
black: json
import through heron:
files do not have the distorsion as shown above(beginning of post), but do not fit together
osm works, but is kind of squeezed
shp through import lite works, but is somewhere and also kind of squeezed
orange: same shp file as blue
green: natural feature through osm import, is somewhere and kind of wrong projection/proportion
also tried the Heron Vector Input (for shp files). works, but ist squeezed - means prjection might be wrong. everything is set in WGS84, so it should workout.