I can upload a model normalyy… but now I changed few little thing and try to upload again… But it gives me error this time:
Oops! The server encountered an issue with your model:
The model could not be confirmed because it took too long to compute a solution on our servers. Your account is limited to 10000 milliseconds of computation (the model took longer than 11014 milliseconds).
If you need more computation time, consider upgrading your account. You will find the specifications of each account type on our [feature page](https://www.shapediver.com/pricing/). However, we would advise first to visit our documentation section. In particular, the following two articles contain advice on how to speed up your definitions:
[Optimizing Grasshopper definitions for ShapeDiver](https://app.shapediver.com/doc/360016007611-Optimizing-Grasshopper-definitions-for-ShapeDiver)
[Meshing for performance and accurate display](https://app.shapediver.com/doc/360020271632-Meshing-for-performance-and-accurate-display)
(Ref: e597c4ed-d9cc-463b-9ed5-5920812ad5fe)