Upholstery Experimentation

For a while, I’ve been wondering how to model cushioned upholstery.

Well, courtesy of @gkirdeikis great 12 hour course on Grasshopper (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0elmzjWlE8), and more specifically the section on Kangaroo, I decided to give that a shot.

And I think I was relatively successful.

This was my second attempt (first attempt was much much simpler) and I thought it ok enough to demo.

Happy to supply the 3DM and Grasshopper files for analysis if anyone else is interested.


very cool! I’d love to see more examples!

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This was my first go

I’m trying another one, but I’m currently hung up on a mesh not getting differenced (Certain mesh not differencing in GH)


Well done! Of course there is interest!