I don’t want to rebuild my middle mouse button pop up from scratch in R8. How do I overwrite the default.rui settings for R8 with my R7 default.rui? I see that I can open it in Options/Toolbars but there does not appear to be a way to close the default rui for R8, which leaves them both open.
There is no way to close it, you will have to hide the toolbars from the default.
Be aware that Rhino 8 has vector based icons, Rhino 7 has pixel based icons. Do you only need the middle mouse toolbar from Rhino 7?
I have two computers that have Rhino 8 on them now. I set up the middle mouse button popup on the first computer and want to transfer the new settings to the 2nd computer. How does one go about doing that? In other words I want both computers to match their Rhino 8 toolbar settings.