hi there. I am new to this forum and only have been using Rhino for a week or two.
I am trying to unroll a surface. when I use the unroll command, Rhino appears to unroll it ok. at least it thinks its ok as it says: ‘4 surfaces unrolled’. However, no 2d geometry shows up anywhere in my file as far as I can tell.
all layers are on and visible and no objects are hidden. and if I create and unroll a simple box in the same file, it unrolls ok, so presumably its my surface that is the problem, not the Rhino settings… but i don’t know what it is that Rhino doesn’t like about it, so don’t know how to proceed.
any one have any experience of this scenario ? and/or knowledge of what I can do to fix??
“Area is 874948.7533 sq millimeters (5807.87 % ) bigger after unrolling”
Trying one by one.
Oh. It’s all one kinky surface- this will not work - hold on…
So, with DivideAlongCreases to split the surface into the four surfaces (How was it made?), some of these unroll and one at least does not. I would split off the pointy ends of these and unroll them - use Split >Isocurve to split off the very tips of the surfaces. ShrinkTrimmedSrf the large part and UnrollSrf these. Basically, it does not like the singularities at the ends (UV compressed to a point).