Unroll surf with curves

Is there a way to unroll a surface with curves on it and the add more curves using those unrolled curves as a guide and wrap them back to the original surface? I’ve searced the term ‘rollback’ but that just gives me results about returning to an older software version.

Hello - I’m not sure I follow but you can try -

Add curves to the unrolled surface
CreateUVCrv from the unrolled surface.
ApplyCrv to the original

RollUpCurves.3dm (108.4 KB)


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Hi Pascal,

  I had wondered if Apply Curves might have bee what I am looking for but when I try your method on this windshield that I am trying to create a frit pattern the little array of dots don't get mapped back to the original unrolled surface properly. The red line you see on the unrolled surf is the outer perimeter of the frit dot matrix and now my dots are all over the place!

Hello - can you post the file or send it to me? I’ll have a try.


Sure but I’m having problems even with simple shapes such as the circle in the middle of the pane. Just went through the whole process again with the dots and get the same twisted results. I’m in world top CP just to be sure.

Bent Glass Corner Pane Test w Frit 2.3dm (1.9 MB)

Hi Joseph - you’re missing a step. CreateUVCrv from the unrolled surface and curves and whatever curves you add, like your citcle, Then ApplyCrv the result to the 3d surface.


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Got it now Pascal! Faceslap for me for not doing ALL the steps.

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