So I have a wavey surface with an attractor and a sine wave to move control points and make a surface out of them. That’s all good, however I would like to keep the edges of my surface straight (= flat). ondulating surface_for review.gh (11.6 KB)
I could exclude the outline points from the move component, but I would like it to be a smoother transition between the flat edges and the center where the waves happen.
d = point distance to edge.
inf = maximum influence (from where start gradient).
if( d > inf)
v = 1
v = (d/inf)^2 or ^0.5
multiply v with the amplitude
I’ve done many of these using decay along edges. Basically, measure distance to nearest edge and if it’s less than a certain value, reduce the vertical movement of points the closer they are to the edge.
A quick search returns these though there are many more to be found:
These below use a different method than fading near edges though, as suggested here:
Sorry, it is what i asked for , didn’t mean to sound unappreciative!
I just want to tweak it to make sure it doesn’t look like there’s a flat rectangular frame around the wave, i’m working on it.
Interesting use of Pull component, @Joseph_Oster … i’ve actually never used it and i see its potential now… i feel noob.
There is always something to learn.
Can I ask you why you used Round and Eval components? Using the result of the division to the mapper seems to give the same results…
Again, the maximum for the ‘range’ slider can be increased and then bump it’s value up to ~80+? It’s value must depend on the dimensions of the geometry (surface).
I’ve always seen it locking the values at maximum if the source exceed the x-range of the mapper.
In the linear version, instead, it evaluates numbers also outside.