Unable to edit topics, categories with Editor badge

As per title, I seem unable to change other peoples’ topics and categories. I used to be able to do this until quite recently, a couple of days ago at least.

aha, you just lost your leader status see:

You are 16 likes away.

(note these settings are configurable per forum cc @stevebaer )

Ok, well I suppose you have your reasons. I won’t be editing anymore.

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I apologize – it’s not personal, it is an algorithm designed to work reasonably on all Discourse sites.

It’s also something that can be tweaked locally by modifying the settings, reducing the likes required.

I just refuse to jump through the hoops of your gameified forum - the whole badge idea is just not for me. Mind you, I still think this is a great way to interact with the McNeel staff and the users and third-party developers of Rhino.

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I went ahead and manually granted you TL3. Sorry about that.

I’ll also reduce the likes requirement for TL3 here a bit.

(cc: @stevebaer I am making a bit of a leap of faith and assuming you are OK with these things.)

I’m fine with that, thanks. We’ve definitely had a lot of push back with the whole “badge” system on this forum and I don’t want to start changing things too much with respect to that.