So I have created a lofted geometry. I have split the geometry with 2 sets of angular brep planes. I have made the brep planes into a structural member. Now I am want to have intersections for these 2 angular pieces for something to be fabricated however with the BREP BREP component, it is unable to recognize the intersections of these components. Can’t seem to figure why. Attached are screen shots of steps as well as rhino model linked with the definition. Thanks!
depending on which input you graft (in this case Flatten) you will get a different output data tree
for instance, by flattening the list B you get result organized by list A (6 branches, one for each item of A → each of those branches has 10 sub-branches, one for each item in B → some of them contain an item [intersection curve] some are empty, but that lets you understand exactly what’s going on)