Twisted box between two subD surfaces (or mesh)

How to get twisted box to be between two subD /mesh quad /surfaces?
the surfaces would be with the same count of quads and im looking to make the twisted boxes to loft Between them. (maybe exploding the quad->lofting=boxes…?)
both ‘TwistedBoxThroughSurefaces’ and ‘CreateTwistedBox’ get me half way.
Using ‘TwistedBoxConsecutiveMeshs’ gets me close, but the lines are one corner off (and i dont want to rotate mesh.
how do i make the box not twist or move one corner on the top?
and if i have multiple pairs to box between, can i use that one ‘TwistedBoxConsecutiveMeshs’ instance for both pairs/boxes, or do they need to be in separate objects=‘TwistedBoxConsecutiveMeshs’ ?
Between 2 (6.3 KB)

Between face boxes_v1.3dm (202.6 KB)


The two meshes are expected to be “the same”, having the same topology, having the same vertex order (and quantity).
Your problem is not with the use of that TwistedBoxConsecutiveMeshs component, but in having two different meshes.

Solving the case you posted is quite trivial, working with closest point and such, because it is just a single quad face.
…it’s better if you describe the whole situation, so a more generic solution is studied.

How were those meshes generated? Can’t you generate them without messing up the order?

you are correct, yet i was sure its a copy of the first and the point got messed up while i edited corners of one of them.
I re duplicated and it works good now, thank you.
Curious, how would I use the closest point to fix an issue of misalignment like that.

Between 2 surfacesQuestion_v1 (14.2 KB)

Or, more simply:

Between 2 surfacesQuestion_v1 (7.9 KB)


Thank you very much, will study this.