TwinMotion - Should I use Unlink at some point?

Hi all,

I tried posting this a few days ago, but I somehow I don’t think it actually posted - so apologies if this is a dup…

Ok, so scenario:

I have most of my geo in my sync’d TM file *I’ve gone through and changed my materials in TM and it looks great.

Now, I realize I had a Rhino layer off when I sync’d it up, and I’d like to update the TM file with that layer that’s now turned on in Rhino. BUT I don’t want the rest of the materials, etc, to get messed up in TM (which they do, if I just click the little Sync “eye” icon in the TM toolbar)

Should I be using “Unlink” on the objects in the TM that I don’t want changed? And if so, what’s the correct process? I can’t seem to get it right. I just keep messing up my TM file.

BONUS Q: What if I want to add extra geo from within the original synched Rhino model? (Not talking about Importing a separate FBX)

Alt: Is it possible to turn off “Update Materials” when syncing, so only geo changes in Rhino are updated on TM side?


Moved to Rhino for Windows, tagged as Twinmotion