In order to explain that, here a little script. A mesh is created here with 2 holes. The components in the middles allows to put some weights on each vertex of the mesh. 0 is on the border of the mesh and 1 everywhere else.
The component Smooth Weights on Mesh smooth these values but keep them constant on naked edges. The results depends on the number of iterations.
I’m trying to make a tween curve between two curves, well actually it is a big list of groups of two curves but the principle is the same. I have tried to do it with several methods on this forum. I am currently trying to do it with Nautilus but I downloaded the latest version and when I open your scripts in this post there are components that are gone or have been renamed and I can’t find them. Is it possible to do the same with the new version of Nautilus?
I am not sure of which component you speak. I generally keep the component and hide them. you can find them using in the search panel using #
They will appear with old on the icon
When I opened the script tween curve on a mesh I got a window telling me that three components are missing that belong to Nautilus version 1.4.0. In the attached image you can see what they are. I tried to look for them with the panel but they do not appear.
My apologies Laurent, I happen to work with two computers and I was pretty sure I had the latest version of Nautilus on the desktop but I actually downloaded it on the laptop, sorry for the inconvenience really.