Trying to replicate pattern

Hi there,
I am trying to replicate this pattern (circular Google product)

as a debossed grip texture on this surface (Gray Squircle)

Uploading: C2-Clean Surface-Dot Pattern.3dm…
. I have found several tutorials on square grids, but nothing on circular alternating grid patterns like in the example. Any advice you can give would be helpful!

Thank you

C2-Clean Surface-Dot Pattern.3dm (455.8 KB)

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@Joseph_Oster solution must work well for what you want but I just wanted to play a bit with that. So here are 2 ways

  • UV curves, you need a Surface as input
  • Tweens curves (need Nautilus and Pufferfish plugin). UV must work without plugin. Tweens curves is a bit more generic as it requires a mesh
    I choose to take maximum radius possible. So along a ring radius is not the same.

dot patterns on brep (105.6 KB)

And a version that just uses a mesh and Nautilus plugin to draw the perpendicular curves of tween curves

dot patterns on brep LD version (121.3 KB)

Also possible to make a sort of diagrid curves and then use the intersection.

dot patterns on brep LD version (122.2 KB)