In tSplines I can pre select edges and run the tsUnweld command to unjoin them. Really simple and fast.
So far in native rhino subD it appears I am not able to preselect edges and then run _Split.
The process seems to be to run _Split _EdgeLoop, get asked to select an object and then get asked to select the edges on the object I want to unjoin/unweld. Is this as quick as I can do this?
Yes, unfortunately splitting an object with one of its subobjects (curve with a point on it, surface with an isocurve, SubD with an edge loop) needs a couple of steps to get into the correct workflow.
The Split command has always assumed that any preselected object is an object that will be split. Since a subobject is not a valid object that can be split, it just gets discarded from the pre-selection.
I might be able to special case a preselction of SubD edges. The workflow would be:
select a collection of SubD edges
run Split
pick the EdgeLoop option
The preselected SubD edge loops are used to split the parent SubD(s), if possible
@pierrec thank you. UnweldEdge was exactly what I was looking for…I can preselect and then run UnweldEdge.
This at a quick glance this morning seems to offer the same functionality as tsUnweld.
Where can I find a comprehensive list of the subD commands? This one is not in the R7 Mac command menu that I could find.
I often unweld sections of a subD object to work on them in isolation…rejoin them when I am done. I find this works better for me than clipping planes.
At present I have imported all my alias’ from R5 that are tSpline related and trying to find the same functionality in native SubD.
For me the above scenario is not what I was looking for but really appreciate you looking at this. Others may need that functionality.
I think the confusion from my end comes from the menu “subD → edit tools - > Split at Edge Loop” which seems to be the closest I could get to what I want. There is no mention of UnWeldEdge that I could see. Is it present in the menu in R8?
I don’t think there is one, and many commands work on other types of geometry as well so I’m not sure it would make sense to create that list.
UnweldEdge started as a mesh command, so it’s available in the mesh menu (Mesh > Mesh Edit Tools > Unweld Selected Edges). I’ll ask around to see if it would make sense to have it in the SubD menus as well.
@pierrec I might be a rare case but I work mostly in tSplines/subD. I do not think I have ever used the UnweldEdge command on anything until I saw you write it when using it on a subD object. That said I use the tSplines command tsUnweld every day.
For a subD modeller it would be invaluable IMO to have a list of commands that work with subD objects. In fact it seems illogical to me for McNeel to develop subD and not provide the list.
I have no knowledge of Mesh commands as I do not work in meshes…other than to create them to send to print…or to delete ghost meshes that tSplines creates from time to time.
Without a list my only other option would be to go through the Mesh tool list and try them on subD Objects…which seems a bit odd.
If I am working on SubD I am going to the subD tool menu for tools…not the mesh menu. This again I am sure is more to do with my limited knowledge of modelling but feel there might be many others that are the same.