Try this to improve jagged wire rendering in Rhino 8

There is a hidden command in Rhino called TestWireThicknessScale which basically lets you change the wire thickness of curves, surfaces, isocurves, SubD and meshes. I often read here that Rhino 8 users have troubles with the anti-aliasing of the wires. I found that setting a value of 1,5 makes the wires relatively smooth, albeit they become a bit thicker than before.

There is also an option to make this command automatic upon starting Rhino. To do so, you have to include it into the list of commands that will start with Rhino. For example, if I want to have 50% thicker wires in Rhino 8, I enter the following command in this window:

testWireThicknessScale Enabled=On Scale=1.5 Enter

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Thanks for sharing your knewledge !

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