Hi all,
I am looking to thicken the visibility (sp) of a single curve in wire frame mode. Its at 1 pixel resolution now; I am looking for two or more so that I can take a screen shot and people can see it.
Thanks so much,
Hi Crooty- in Options > View > Display Modes > Wirframe > Objects > Curves you can set the thickness. You can also set print width in a curve’s Properties and with the PrintDisplay command toggled on, you will see the print width in the viewport.
Hi Pascal,
I want to reduce the display mode wire-frame object curve thickness to 0.01. it takes 0 but not 0.1-0.01. kindly let me know if it is possible
Hi - that is not possible, no.
Which version of Rhino are you running?
rhino 6
actually i am using Scan and solve and it takes wire frame
but the mesh is too dense the result is not clearly seen
i cant reduce the mesh density as it is an output of grasshopper. but if i can reduce the width of the mesh, viewing results might work
Hi - In Rhino 6, you could try playing with an advanced setting. Go to Rhino Options > Advanced
and look for Rhino.Options.OpenGL.WireThicknessScale
. This will affect all wires, though.
Thankyou Wim for an instant reply, really appreciate your efforts.
I would like to ask if you are talking about this appearance setting option?
Restart your Rhino it happens to me all the time
much better