testWireThicknessScale question

I just installed that versions and seems like the right-click on the Status bar’s Layers menu work properly.

However, I instantly noticed another bug related to the testWireThicknessScale command. Looks like something went wrong with the ! _Leader, because its wire thickness is multiplied by a huge amount compared to the basic dimensions and curves. Here is a comparison between thickness values of 1, 1.5, 2 and 5.

Here is a video where I directly compare Rhino 7 and Rhino 8 with the same settings for the hidden command testWireThicknessScale.

Not only the environment map of the Shaded display mode in Rhino 8 looks worse, the thickness of the leaders gets extremely huge when the hidden command “testWireThicknessScale” is applied. This bug is present only in Rhino 8. The “testWireThicknessScale” command works flawlessly in Rhino 7.

On top of that, the wire thickness values show different results when directly compared between both Rhino versions. For example, a value of 1.5 in Rhino 7 is identical to value of 1 in Rhino 8. Likewise, a value of 3 in Rhino 7 is identical to value of 5 in Rhino 8 (except for the leaders that become super fat).

I just noticed the subject of the topic: “testWireThicknessScale question”. Is it really a question? :slight_smile: It seems like a clear bug to me. Being able to take advantage of this particular command in Rhino 7 literally saved me a lot of eye strain, because the default value of 1 was way too thin on my 4K screen. However, there is something wrong with the Leaders in Rhino 8 that prevents the use if this particular command normally.

Adding more examples of this particular BUG, which is present even when the line thickness is set to the default value of 1. There are issues with see though and line thickness for two of the commands in Rhino 8:

  1. The preview of ! _VariableFilletSrf uses way too thick lines and is also see-though, which is highly distracting.

  2. The preview of ! _FilletSrf uses way too thin lines.

Hi Bobi - I see the problem with VariableFilletSrf, but FilletSrf seems correct here.

RH-79549 VariableFilletSrf : ugly preview

Hi @pascal ! Note that at the 20th second of the video the entire model get really thin wires instead of their normal thickness. This only happens with this particular tool in my version of Rhino 8.