Trouble with surfaces warping when I trim or join with them

Hi there,
I’m having trouble trimming a solid with a surface, and also joining them.

Both the solid and surface were created with 2D straight lines and blend curves for the radii. I tried using tangent and curvature for the blend curves, but every time, the corners would warp when I trimmed with the bottom surface.

I also tried recreating the corner radii surfaces with sweep2 rail, which looked like it worked, but then it became warped when I tried to join everything into a solid.

Advice would be much appreciated!


Surfaces Warping.3dm (1.1 MB)

Not sure it’s your surfaces, it’s more the render mesh quality (Document Properties), you can adjust your mesh setting from Jagged and Faster to Smooth and Slower or Custom. Also unjoining the curves when make the surfaces will help, e.g. forward corners as 3 surfaces instead of 1 surface.

On both your surfaces/polysurfaces, run DivideAlongCreases With SplitAtTangents set to yes.

Tried the DivideAlongCreases and it said the object couldn’t be divided. What is the purpose of this? And when would you suggest running the command? Before or after the surfaces are joined?

OK, I hadn’t downloaded your file, the mesh artifacts from the screenshot are similar to those often caused by internal G1 tangent joint in surfaces. Not in this case, it seems simply that the Rhino mesher’s standard “jagged and faster” settings do not do a great job on that corner. I usually use custom settings that look like this - seems to clean up that corner nicely:

Ah great, I’ll give those settings a try. Thank you!!

Ah yes, confirmed that it’s the mesh settings. Thank you so much!!