Hi! I’m new to Rhino, and I need this triangled shape surface on the 3d model. Does anybody know how to do this? Thanks!
Could you share you 3dm files for this? Its hard for the people on the forum to come up with a solution without a file.
A little more description of what you are looking for would also be helpful. For example, are you looking to wrap the triangle pattern on the surface. Orient it? Project it?
Hello! Thanks for replying. So a friend of mine asked me to model a building like this in Revit, but the program would not help, so I turned to Rhino where I could finally come up with the desired shape. But now I have to add those triangles in the facade so that they can later work as a base for the adaptive components in Revit. The architects needs the finish facade to look like the pattern in Autocad, which is different from the one in the render.
solmodel.3dm (2.0 MB)
No problem! Unfortunately, replying is the easy part. I am afraid that this one is beyond me. So sorry. Hope that you can get something to work. I may still try my hand at it some time here. So far the best thought I have is using Grasshopper, But I am lacking a good direction of how to do this at the moment. (I crashed Rhino 2 times already