Tree Structure Looks Weird

The tree structure of the “Get Levels” component looks weird. I don’t understand the results for Levels. It doesn’t match the tree structure of Walls, and why are Sub-Levels being retrieved? No sub-levels have been set in the Level Edit.

Tree Structure Weird.3dm (10.0 MB)
Tree Structure (10.5 KB)

Hi @Steven_Kim you are right, since there are no sub-levels in this model, the sub-level output in the “Get Level” component should not give you any value.
On the other hand, the Level Output gives you the levels where each wall is located. The problem is that some walls that are detected as if they were occupying two levels, when this is not exactly like this (they are “touching” two levels, but one of them should not be considered).

Hi @Steven_Kim again, I’ve realized that the “Get Level” component in your definition is an obsolete component. The new one gives you the Levels (which objects are in touch), and the “Main Level” of each one (so you just get 1 level for each object). If you deconstruct that level, you will see that no Sub-levels are detected:

My current VisualARQ version is 3.1.2. Is this not the latest version? I’m not sure why ‘Get Level’ component is marked as obsolete. Deconstruct Level component shown in your capture is also different from mine.

I can see that in VisualARQ 3 for Rhino 7, there is still the former component of Get Level and Deconstruct Level. I wasn’t aware of that. I guess you are using VisualARQ 3 on Rhino 7, is that right? I’ll report it.

No. I am using VisualARQ 3 on Rhino 8. We’ve removed VisualARQ 2, when updating from Rhino 7 to Rhino 8.

If you insert a new “Get Level” component in VisualARQ 3, do you still see the “Sub-levels” output?

Yes. I do. Today, I get this error message.

I guess the version of these 6 component looks still VA 2.

This message usually appears when VisualARQ is not loaded when you open the Grasshopper file. Make sure VisualARQ is loaded before opening a Grasshopper definition that contains VisualARQ components.

If you open a new document in Grasshopper and insert a “Get Level” component, how does it look like?

Still same. ‘Get Level’ component includes Sub-Level as its output.

Hi @Steven_Kim, I’ve realized that this component has changed in the 3.3 version, (I was seeing it in an internal version of it). We will publish a Release Candidate version of it next week.