Hi all,
I have a question regarding tree manipulation. I don’t know if what I am doing right now is the best way of going about merging sets, please also advise on this aspect.
What is the best way to merge these complicated trees? I wanted to divide from the middle, creating the problem of the list order. Another problem is to combine the divided lists back into where they are “supposed” to go.
The simple lay-down: Dividing curves from the midpoint outwards by a set distance (1500 mm). The remainder of the curve will be a different length, but thats fine if I combine the end points of the original curve right?Dimension and Facet Panelling_004.3dm (209.8 KB) GH_Dimension and Facet Panelling_004.gh (14.5 KB)
I did a few edits to your code to mean your only selecting the Grid Curves once, though now you need to pick them in order. So its up to you if you keep this option.
Also added some optional code so the panels between the grid lines at the edges should be never small than 0.5 * divide distance (750) the and never larger than 1.5 divide distance (2000). Though i would check this with the dimensions dims added.
One output gives you the points in sets and the other just the list of all the unique points in order as did not now which one you wanted.
Wow - although in the end, I don’t think we will use this option for modulating the facade (too many straggling unique panels, but it was worth a shot)
This exercise was a really good way to introduce me to really dive deeper into data tree management. I never knew you could:
sort things on a curve
check for division distances using the circle logic (should’ve known!)
Use relItem to quickly choose consecutive pairs of points!
Thank you Matt! Would be grateful if you have the time to share or direct me towards resources that goes more in-depth with these topics. Parametrics could really do a lot more than just twisty curveys, and help us streamline our efficiency.
Yeah radial grids can be hard to work with sometimes. If you careful with your setting out you can use multiple radius radial grids together.
Hmm its hard to give exact resources for your list as lot of the stuff I just learnt though projects.
Though I have to say one if the best resources is the old GH forum as there is a high chance over the years someone has already asked a question similar in part to yours. Note it maybe helpful to you if you click the option below the search bar on the right to search only search this forum. Also the forum as a selection of good video’s including one on relative items.
For sure parametric’s can do more than “Twisty Curves” i have done everything from 3d building layouts to construction drawings among other things using grasshopper over the years.