Reforming data tree

hello every one,
first sorry if my question is stiuped, I am trying to solve the following problem for 3 hours, unfortunatley i failed, I am trying to reorder the tree structure of a points list to be exactly like the data tree wiche one get out of normal quare grid, the points of the tree i want to change are vertics extracted from a deconstrected box, i ve wached tutorial about data tree, i used the cull component in order to define the vertics cloumn, ive tried the split, but i failed, can any one help, thank you in advance

here is a grasshopper filedata tree (34.1 KB)

data tree (15.5 KB)

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thank you so much, I wonder how not to have two values in the same place , how to merge them so i can get one point, not using the “Cull” component

What do you mean merge them? You could use the average component to do the average between the two points, or use the cull duplicates, setting it to leave only one.

As a side not relvant to this discussion @Dani_Abalde have you had the chance to read my message?