Transfer ALL settings between two PCs. Some stuff didn't follow

I’ve just upgraded to a new computer and want Rhino to behave exactly the same as on the old one.
All my aliases and other options transferred fine ( export/import options +aliases )
Some stuff didn’t though. For example my custom display modes are missing image files but those I can just re-link.
My custom made icons however and the scripts attached to them are gone, and my custom Middle-click Mouse menu didn’t follow and maybe some other stuff I’m forgetting about.

Are there any way to transfer these ?


Hej Victor -

The recommended workflow is to create a new RUI file and put all custom toolbars in that one. When you do that, you can simply open that file in Rhino on a different computer.

Since you tagged Rhino 7, you could copy the files from the following location to a different PC to transfer most settings:



Thanks, I figured it out, I did exactly the same as you wrote. Copied everything related to Rhino from the AppData subfolders and it worked beautifully :slight_smile: