Trackpad- navigating the canvas

i use the default trackpad navigation settings in Rhino regarding the trackpad.

seems grasshopper should act similar.

two-finger pinching for zooming & two-finger swiping for panning

(actually, i couldn’t even get the canvas to pan with the trackpad… anybody know the trick? )

Two-finger press and drag to Pan in the canvas for now.

There is a YouTrack item to make canvas navigation the same as Mac Rhino parallel viewport projection navigation:

Pinch Zoom:

weird… never seen that work before in any app :wink:
but will certainly be ok for the time being.

There is a YouTrack item to make canvas navigation the same as Mac Rhino parallel viewport projection navigation:[/quote]

cool… thanks John.
i’ll make sure to read through the youTrack items prior to posting any more of my findings… i think i’ve repeated at least three of them now

Nothing wrong with repeats.

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If a youtrack item exists for something you are seeing, please report it here on discourse anyways. This helps to reinforce the importance of the issue.

I was just about to post a request for this trackpad behaviour and this topic showed up.

I imagine it’s better to revive it than post a new thread?

It’s really disconcerting to have this behaviour difference between the trackpad two-finger scrolling in the Mac Rhino parallel viewports and the required clicking & dragging in the Grasshopper canvas.

I’m sure most trackpad users would love to see this fixed! :slight_smile:

We agree. We’ll get it working.