Trackpad bug: using two fingers to pan and roate views often results in zooming in and out

First of all, check the function: “Use two fingers to pan and rotate views/ Use Option key with two fingers to zoom view.”

Next, now I’m on layer 07 at a front view of my project.

By using two fingers on the trackpad of my MacBook Pro- OS X Yosemite (10.10.1 (14B25), I can easily rotate or pan views, until…

I change into another layer.

(For this instance, I’m changing from layer07 onto layer 03.

After the change of the current layer selection, moving two fingers on trackpad incessantly results in zooming in or out the views of my project, unless I quit and reopen the file. However, this problem occurs again every time when I switch onto another layer, or changing “CPlane” into “World”.

Hope this problem can be solved soon.
I’m using the most updated version of Rhino.
I love using Rhino on trackpad.

Many thanks!

Thanks for the clear example. I can duplicate this and this will be fixed in the next WIP release.