Hello, I am experiencing some strange problems in rhino 5. My toolbar page has gone missing. I reinstalled rhino a couple of times as i uninstalled it, deleted all McNeel and Rhino folders:
C:\Users\Your user\AppData\Local\McNeel
C:\Users\Your userAppData\Roaming\McNeel
C:\Program Files (x86)\McNeelUpdate
C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit)
C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5.
My Rhino crashes when right-clicking on any toolbar.
Ill be really thankful for helping me because i have no ideas and formating my HDD is not really a solution.
This happens occasionally, and if you google, you will see some of the solutions:
Go to Tools > Toolbar Layout, and choose File > Open, and choose “default.tb”. If you can’t find it, try searching your hardrive. It has to be be somewhere.
Hi Velin- please look in Options > Plug-ins page for ‘Rhino Toolbars and Menus’. Does it show up at all? If so it is probably not enabled (Check box) so enable it and then right click on it and choose ‘Load plug-in’ and see how that goes.
If the plug-in is not there at all, click on Install, and find
@brian I have just done a re-install as i was having some selection issues, and when starting up again, the toolbars were missing although the toolbars plug-in appeared in the list as loaded and enabled.
The screenshot shows that the UI folder was missing from the browser when I tried to open the toolbars in Rhino Options. I had also deleted the McNeel folders mentioned at the top of this thread, to get a clean re-install.
ToolbarReset with a restart fixed the problem here.