Toggle Rhino/Grasshopper autohide and Escape Current Rhino Session

Hey @Czaja ,
Rhino, when running inside a host, will create a custom profile for that host. In case of Revit 2019 for example, that profile is called Inside-Revit-2019 and the settings are stored under %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\settings for Rhino WIP

As a quick workaround is to open a command prompt or the Run window from start menu, and run Rhino while specifying this specific schema. See the example below for Revit 2019

C:\Program Files\Rhino 7 WIP\System\Rhino.exe /schema=Inside-Revit-2019

Rhino loads using this schema. Make all the adjustments you need and then close Rhino. It automatically saves all configurations into this schema.

Next time you launch Rhino inside Revit, it should look exactly how you configured it.

We’ll discuss this internally to see why Rhino is not saving configs when is being run inside the host.