Timer Component Bug: Exception "Scheduled solution must have a delay of at least 0ms"

Hi guys,

I have been using the timer component in grasshopper quite excessively - over days and weeks in the same session of grasshopper. Unfortunately after around 12 hours of my timer running an exception occurs, interrupting the entire grasshopper script from doing anything. See attached screenshot. Help would be massively appreciated.


Does it happen again and again?

If I click OK now, the window will not pop up anymore, but the timer will not continue, the timer component has a red balloon attached after this happens, but I cannot open the ballon. Also strangely enough, after that happens I can not pan on the grasshopper canvas anymore, only solution is to close the grasshopper script and reopen.

I found the bug. Logged under RH-44376.

Great! So what can I do about it?

Nothing I’m afraid. Eventually this will no longer fail in Rhino 6.3, so upgrading is your only way out of this.

Bummer. The only good new is: I found a bug, yay!
Thank you for getting back so swiftly

RH-44376 is fixed in the latest Service Release Candidate