Report of Error on Grasshopper1.0 for Rhino6WIPMac : Timer Component Error

Currently using the Rhino6WIP and its Grasshopper 1.0 on a Mojave MacOS10.14 system.

When I try to compute cycles on the culebra2.0 engine using the Timer component that ships with grasshopper, I get the following error… and therefore the engine works only 1 cycle.

Please note that I tried the plugin on the Rhino5.5.2 and there was no problem with the timer, the engine worked just fine.

Please see the following screenshots to see the exception/error generated :

Looking forward to hear from you guys on how we could fix this error…

The timer component is throwing an exception/error on all scripts. even with components that ship with Grasshopper.

I see this here. Logged in RH-49622. Thanks for reporting this!