The "new" UI on the Mac: invisible gumball and Osnap buttons

The appearing as missing [invisble] buttons do work

With the Gumball button showing up in Off state.

thanks a lot

Is this the new Serengeti V8 WIP?

[I noticed it went by mistake to the wrong cat. fixed that now]


I’m running the WIP on an Intel MBP, Monterey 12.5, in Dark Mode, and I can not duplicate the problem.

What are you running on?

I do not see this either - all the lettering is light gray/blue. @Akash does anything change if you click in these?


Hi Pascal, as you can see below with gumbe, the button is showing in off state [nice touch for the gumball type note] but is blank in on state
Osnap is blank in both on and off states

But actully from my side is is far more important and I’d Love to get help on the other 2 threads I posted just before this one. as they makes it impossible to do anything on the WIP.

thanks a lot

Thanks - @JohnM - any idea? This looks correct, here.


It looks like the text color for the status bar panes is currently hardcoded to black and for some reason your Rhino pressed button color is also set to black which is why you can’t see the text. Try opening the “Advanced” settings page in Preferences and settings your PressedStart color to the default value. You may have to close the current document windows or start a new document to see the change take affect.

This should be the default value you can set by clicking the drop down arrow to the right of the current value.

yes thanks a lot.
