The "Material Assignments" tab disappears after changing the rendering en

I would like to ask for help with the issue in the topic, I have Rhino 7 Win10 + vray 3.6. When I switch to the Rhino rendering engine, everything works fine, when I turn on vray, the tab with the option to assign material via the add-on disappears. Why? This option has made my work very easy so far.


V-Ray 3.x does not support AssingMaterial interface. That Rhino feature was implemented in V-Ray Next

but in Rhino 6 it works flawlessly, which means the option is implemented

Hi Nikolay, can this be improved in Rhino 7? where to report it?


Let’s get things straight first
you’re using V-Ray 3.6 on Rhino 7 ?
and you’re talking about this thing:

V-Ray 3.6 + Rhino 7 was never officially supported, since at the time of the last 3.6 release, Rhino 7 was not yet release officially. There is “experimental support”, and not every interface was implemented due to API differences.

The first version of V-Ray that officially supported Rhino 7 is V-Ray Next update 2 (V-Ray 4.20.01).

Before V-Ray 4, we used the old material interface. That is long deprecated in Rhino, and I don’t think it is even available in the recent versions. The current material interface does not even have this UI. It might have been deleted already by McNeel.

Furthermore V-Ray 3 and 4 are out of support as well.

Welcome back,
I’m not a programmer and these explanations don’t mean much to me. If I switch to the Rhinoceros rendering engine, the tab appears and everything is fine. The tab disappears when I switch to the vray rendering engine and this phenomenon only occurs in Rhino 7, in Rhino 6 it works fine. McNeel did not delete this option because it is available with his engine. Endless problems with vray are already standard, disappearing materials, mapping changes when rendering on the GPU, etc. I am seriously considering changing the renderer to a cheaper and more functional one, and now there is also the translation of disappearing tabs because the application has changed? Or maybe the compulsion to buy subsequent versions of vray. This is just a simple option that is still part of Rhino and is not removed, it makes it easier for me to identify the material because, of course, I do not have any other information about the assigned material (I do not know any other ways to check it). Drama.


let me clear a bit my questions:

  1. What is the version of V-Ray you switch host apps for ? V-Ray 3.60.03 ?
  2. What is the SR version of Rhino 6 you’re switching from
  3. What is the SR version of Rhino 7 you’re switching to
  4. Please post a screenshot of the “tab” you’re referring to

I need all that information, in order to confirm we’re talking for the very same thing.

Thank you

Welcome back,
Of course, screenshot attachments will show all the information


Hi again,
thanks for the info and the screens.

First, a little bit of history

V-Ray 3.60.03 was released on 3-Jul-2018
The release of Rhino 6 SR35 was 10-Aug-2021
The release of Rhino 7 SR33 was 05-Sep-2023

So you can see the time gaps - at the time of the V-Ray 3.60.03:
Rhino 6 was at SR 6.6
Rhino 7 was in “Serengeti” stage with no official SDK
first ever Rhino 7 official release (with SDK) was in Nov-2020.

where SDK is the one thing that allows us to build the .rhp file against particular Rhino release and guarantees to work.

so obviously at the point of V-Ray 3.60.03 release, there was no way to build it for Rhino 7. That’s why there was no installer for Rhino 7. This brings up the question - how do you install this particular V-Ray version on that particular Rhino 7 version ? Officially ?

So back in the days when McNeel released Rhino 7, they based it on the Rhino 6 SDK. So essentially Rhino 7 is still kind of (but not exactly) Rhino 6, as is Rhino 8 too. that’s why you’re able to load the .rhp file without breaking everything down. However it is not guaranteed to work, since it is essentially built for different SDK - there is 5 years gap between what used to be Rhino 6 SDK back then, and what is Rhino 7 right now.

Furthermore McNeel forbid loading Rhino 6 plugins in newer Rhino 7 and Rhino 8, because the difference between then and now only grows bigger, and the chance for a crash - too.
I don’t know why this ‘protection’ did not work in your case. It should have.

To answer the question “why the button disappears” - Quite frankly I don’t know. Probably if you try Rhino 7 SR0 or SR1, it might be still there. I can speculate that some interface (a contract between two pieced of code that do not know each other) changed, or some new function appeared, or something got deleted.
Rhino Render works because it comes with Rhino. The Rhino Render you’re using was built exactly for the same SDK that the given Rhino version comes with. Obviously they update their own plugins as the SDK evolves with every new SR, You’re not using Rhino Render from Rhino 6.35 in Rhino 7.33, right ? you’re using Rhino Render for Rhino 7.33, that came with Rhino 7.33 in a first place. This is not the scheme you apply to V-Ray, so there is no point comparing them at all

I can say with 100% confidence that in V-Ray 4.x we switched from the old material interface to the new RDK material interface (the new fancy rendering materials that McNeel forced us to do so), and they probably broke the old interface at some point.

Only I can say that in the latest version of V-Ray (5 and 6) everything is fine.
The tab is there, functioning properly

Mind that, since you’re misusing V-Ray on a platform it was never build for, officially we cannot provide any support.
I suggest you either get back to Rhino 6 and continue using V-Ray 3, or update V-Ray to a version that supports Rhino 7

Best regards

Welcome back,
As a complete novice in programming, I intuitively expected that Rhino somehow didn’t see this option with vray and that’s where the problem lies (in Rhino7), hence this post. But now I understand that changes are coming faster than my earnings :wink: and I operate and want to operate only legally, so I will stay with Rhino 6 (the authors deserve due respect).
I’m a small graphic designer, I sometimes use this software for graphics and architecture, but programming? - write some simple thing for your own needs and understand better what you are saying to me - maybe someday.
For now, I can use Rhino 7 for modeling.
I’m still hesitating between the (large for me) investment in the new Vray and Twinmotion, which for me is incredibly intuitive and does not require as much knowledge as Vray.
I don’t know what the latest version looks like, but the old one was missing a lot of things (which seemed obvious). For example, as a desktop publishing specialist, I have been using styles for years that have always been available in programs such as quark (including style and color libraries). And here (at least in the version I use) I have to write down the RGB values on a piece of paper so that I can repeat them in another material configuration with the same color. And this is just one example.
Nevertheless, I would like to thank you very much for your time, explanations and patience.
Yours faithfully