The 3DM fIle can not open,. and there are no responce

Dear McNeel Forum

My name is kiichiro usami from vietnam.
the file can not open and no responce suddently.
how is best way to open the file.
i have tried the rhino re-install.
please help!!!

kiichiro usami

Hi kiichiro usami

Can you post the file here? Or first try in Rhino the command _Rescue3dmFile to let Rhino read as much as possible from the file. Also there is the command _Audit3dmFile, you can post the results here as it might provide a clue what is wrong.


Dear Mr willem

Thank you for answer.
I have posted the file and could you open and try why the problem has.
Please help me~!!

Kiichiro Usami

Hi Kiichiro Usami

I do not see the file, where did you post it? You can upload a file with a post here using the upload button:
