Textures rendering is black + file not found

I am struggling to get my Meshroom’s textures displayed in rendering mode on Rhino7.
1- I’ve primarily been using textures with .exr format, and the rendering was pitch black.
2- I then used the Clamp parameters of the HDR textures types, and I could get the textures displayed correctly but with absolute poor quality.
2- I re-ran my Meshroom process to output .tif file format instead. And now the rendering is again pitch black, and the Bitmap texture type doesn’t even provide a thumbnail for my textures + it weirdly says “File Not Found” ???

It’s getting infuriating. What’s going on, is anybody having similar issues ?
I checked my textures on photoshop it’s all good.

Can you click on the “…” icon to the right of the texture’s file name and locate it where you last saved it? The file not being found looks like the main issue here but if that doesn’t help. Can you provide a sample file and the associated texture maps along with the steps you take to reproduce the issue? For instance, are you opening an stl or obj file and are the textures in the same folder directory as the 3D file?