TextObject - Wishlist

There’s a few things that I’d like to see added to the TextObject command that would definitely help imo:

  1. Check box for vertical orientation, so that we don’t have to use Rotate3D to orient it to a vertical plane.

  2. A drop down that shows the recently used fonts, so that we don’t have to hunt through the mega list to get back to the used fonts if we want to update something. Better yet it would be awesome if Rhino could save a list of all fonts used in that session.

  3. Being able to zoom in on the font preview window! On my 24" video monitor they are between 1/8" and 1/4" tall in the preview area. When I’m sorting through fonts I need to SEE them to make decisions on what is the look/vibe I’m going for.

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Yes, correct, this option is needed, to enlarge and reduce the font

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Yes exactly, thank you.

This is what we get now for TextObject:

On my 24" video monitor the preview text is about 0.076" (1.93mm) tall as measure with calipers. It has so few pixels that it doesn’t even show the true shape/style of the font.

And this is what I’d like to see when deciding on what font to use:

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Hi @pascal Please can you help us solve

Got that, thanks -
RH-69555 TextObject: bigger preview
