Hi I am learning how to use grasshopper, I tried attaching text tag 3d components to a square grid after which whole application froze and took 89 seconds to give solution, in the meanwhile nothing is selectable and even moving another component like a number slider is taking ages, I took my time and deleted the component after which everything is back to normal, happening only with text tag 3d component, happening both in rhino 8 and 7 . It gets stuck and I am not able to move forward
Hi, did you check if there was not a sort of multiplication of elements, let says that you have to list of data with n elements, one with positions and one with text, if one a DataTree and the other a List then it will generate n² text tag. Other the years I still do this error. before connecting some component it is better to check if the structure of data is the same.
By the way, without a file I think it will be difficult to help more.
With datamatch 22 ms
Without 218 ms (10 x more)
i dont know what i am doing wrong here, following a tutorial but i need to know better
It is what I said
Look at the wires
You provide a datatree and a list so you multiply the number of text tags
i did not understand you, my file looks the same as the data match file you sent, what should i change
Post a file or it will be endless.
If you don’t see a difference between wires there, you surely have some eyes problem
text tag 3d.gh (9.6 KB)
im a beginner dude and the tutorial on the think parametric website also has the same type of wires
i still am not getting the problem
Yes I understand you are a beginner, but just screenshot are most of time NOT very useful because there could be hidden things.
So TextTag needs a text for each location. In your example there was position as DataTree, 31 branches having each 31 branches so 961 data. And a branch is like a FOR in programming,
As text is provided as a list
The tool certainly did represent 961 texts on each position, so 961 x 961 text in total, close to 1 million of text. So one thing is to do that.
Flatten in order to have 2 lists as input
text tag 3d.gh (8.8 KB)
Use mouse hover to inspect the data before connecting.
Now 961 positions as list
961 texts as list
Thank you for the solution, but the thing I would ask is in the tutorial on thinkparametric the guy didn’t have to do this to get the same solution, he just connected the way I did the first time. And doing this every time for text would be tough is there an easier way.
I have no idea what they were doing, but sometime flattening is just done with that (the little arrow) or graft (arrow in other side)
So if you forget to to it before connecting you are good to wait or kill Rhino.
If you share some parts of ThinkParametric, it could help finding the trick.
yeah my bad i overlooked that he grafted the text part of the component before connecting, too many tiny things
thank you for taking the time to solve this
and india won the cricket world cup
Yes little details could lead to problems. After years I sometime have the same problems. As Grasshopper can save definition at each change killing the whole process is often the way to go.