I am not a heavy mesher nor SubD modeler but I’ve waited for it to come.
Now I am on the rollercoaster of feelings.
I would love to see some simple tutorials & best practices about new meshing possibilities.
test1.3dm (457.9 KB)
I am not a heavy mesher nor SubD modeler but I’ve waited for it to come.
Now I am on the rollercoaster of feelings.
I would love to see some simple tutorials & best practices about new meshing possibilities.
test1.3dm (457.9 KB)
What type of work are you thinking about doing with it?
The best information we have so far is this Introduction to the Quad Mesher Doc
Normally we might use it to re-organized a mesh:
From there that mesh could be a SubD or a NURBS.
Well, my interests are all over the place but to pick one:
I would be interested in moving my Rhino-Grasshopper creations to the other 3D applications - especially from the game industry like Unreal Engine 4.
I would love to set for myself very efficient workflow in which I model & texture nurbs and make High poly - Medium - Low poly, tidy mesh variants of them. All of the variants with the extra care of consistent overall shape silhouette and the same unwrapped UV texture mapping.
As you can see in my uploaded example, I received rather bad results. I don’t know if I should even expect good results from QuadRemesher in my example (which seemed to me as a pretty easy boolean union to remesh).
I feel like in past years there were quite a few things happening to the meshes in Rhino and I don’t know what path to follow, which commands are still relevant and which not.
Thanks for the link.
Just messing around I first meshed the Brep using the standard Rhino Mesh from Brep. Then I ran the remesher.
test1-meshed.3dm (1.5 MB)
Hi Jakub - I think that this is covered by RH-53632. If you turn off Detect Hard Edges
you should get better results. Thanks for testing!
Will QuadRemeshed objects inherit UV mapping from original geometries?
I used Bevel on some testing mesh. I forgot to make it on one edge.
Shouldn’t there be creases on the corners where L-shaped mesh faces are made?
One more post for now.
Leftclick Explode will explode both polysurface and mesh, rightclick ExtractSrf will of course not extract mesh surface, instead of, we need to use ExtractMeshPart. Can we merge that into one ExtractSomething?
In QuadRemesher can adaptive size be more adaptive? In one case, completely planar, rectangular 8 quad mesh instead of shrinking into one quad, raised quad amount to 12.
To address the two questions here. In terms of command names we’ve been trying to consolidate terms that apply to all object types but there’s also a huge effort to preserve all of the scripts and plug-ins that rely on not changing existing command names. Yeah… its complicated lol.
To your point about adaptive size. You selected 1 target quad, but turned up adaptive to 100. In this case the algorithm tries to make as many uniformly sized quads as possible to fill the shape, and at 100 is allowed to ignore the target count more easily. If you set adaptive to 0 you will come closer to your target count. Keep in mind that the algorithms goal is for uniformly shaped squares and not rectangles.
Sorry, I’m not a native English speaker and sometimes I got it wrong.
“Polygons of varying heights and widths that better fit the original shape”
“Variations in polygon density in areas of high/low detail”
Surface like this is extremely low detail.
Righ now, no matter the settings I always receive 12 quads from 8 quad surface.
I take it this is a design decision, and it is certainly important in many cases. However, in many other cases it isn’t; in fact it may be more desirable to have rectangular quads -subject to a maximum aspect ratio, of course. Do you think this could be included as an additional capability?
How well does Quadremesh handle singularities like the poles of a sphere? Does it make three-sided degenerate quads?
Do you anticipate ever including the ability to mesh a Rhino solid into cubes/parallelepipeds?
Jakub -
You can also use Extract Connected under Mesh edit tools. The break angle are different enough that any of these can be a face:
I did not see an answer to this question.
I also am interested if QuadRemeshed object will somehow preserve vertex colors and textures in the original mesh?
Some more tests. Probably should wait for the new build, but it’s too tempting to play with it
quad remeshed.3dm (3.5 MB)
@Terry_Chappell in its current form it does not transfer any mapping data.
Hey, that is easy to check for us and we know that it doesn’t
But given that you know the code behind it perfectly, are there any chances that it will?
I see that something about UV was mentioned in here:
Create multiple resolutions for optimized SubD conversion, UV Mapping, 3D Printing, etc.
It would be absolutely fantastic if creation of 4 LODs would not need 4 manual texturing tasks.
Use guide curves to influence edge loops and poly flow.
Also there, some people would find it handy, that they don’t need to reproject face texture on this beautiful, new mesh.
@Czaja its on the road map but not something that will be happening in the immediate future.
That’s all I got to know for now. I understand that it’s a lot of work. I am happy that something promising is already there.
@Czaja thanks we’ll take a look.