Temporarily freeze the "Arrowhead On Curve" arrow size in modeling space

I would like to freeze the size of the “Arrowhead on curve” command-based arrow size in the modeling space so it would behave as the dimension arrowhead with the same size as it scales in or out respectively as I’m zooming in or out. Is there any way to do it? Currently, while I zoom out in my model, these arrowheads stay the same size obstructing the model.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi paul - nope - Arrowheads are screen sized. depending on what you want to do, leaders can help- these can be set to use curves and not polyline, but not existing curves…


Hi Pascal,
Thank you for your reply.
I see. I need this feature really on polylines also because I want to be able to convert the model to dwg so it won’t show up as truck-sized arrows of our subcontractor’s Autocad who does not use Rhino and asked me to send them a “fixed scale” model with its annotations…
Other than that, I tried to explode it but it won’t work either…

Hi Paul -
We have that feature request on the list as RH-63020 and I added your vote.

Hi Wim,
Thank you for your message. I apologize, I did not know about this feature request. Good to know that others would like to have this feature as well.
Thank you.

Hi Paul -

No need to apologize. There are currently 1244 items on the list that are marked as “feature request”.

Hi Paul - can you post a simple example of the input and what you’d like to get ?