I’ve being looking at the chamfersrf command and chamfer edge but can’t figure out how to stop the chamfer at a certain distance rather than all the way through the edge.
I’ve tried creating another solid in the shape of the cut out section and booleansplit it, and also boolean difference but again no joy.
Here’s the solid object I’ve tried to use as a cutter.
That’s it Pascal! Wow, thanks so much!
So I split the edge where I want the chamfer to stop, then use the chamfer edge command with two handles of the size required. I’ll give it a go. The options in windows are a little harder to see as I’m used to the mac but I should be able to get it working from this!
Hi Hugh - there are captions in that clip - you may have to enable them or something- somehow they don’t show. But yes- place a handle at each end of the straight part with the correct distance, then one at the very end that has distance=0. That will hold the chamfer straight and then taper it to a point starting at the last ‘full chamfer distance’ marker.
Hi I just tried this! really cool! I usually boolean a shape but I’m never happy with the outcome. This looks really good… [with isocurves turned off]! It does create a lot of isocurves though. Why? Can anyone tell me if there a cleaner way to do this?