Chamfer Edge

Trying to chamfer the edges shown in screenshot but the ChamferEdge command seems to create a slice that runs through the solid. Curious as to what I am doing wrong.

Two Piece BackCover for 3D Print.3dm (3.4 MB)

seems to work here, which distance are you using?

Tried 3mm. 6mm. If I exceed 3mm it creates a new surface inside the solid

I created a 3 sided polygon and used MakeHole as a workaround

If you can live with only 45 deg. chamfers, use ChamferEdge. It will trim the side panels at the same time.

Edit: I see now that is the command your question is about, sorry. But it works for me too. The alternative is ChamferSrf, which will require you to select the two surfaces you want to chamfer the common edge. The downside of that command is that you still have to trim the side panels to match the chamfer.

@maxz @encephalon are you both on OSX 14.6 ? I am finding that it works once, then if I “undo” to set a new distance and run ChamferEdge again, this is when it fails and begins creating objects instead of chamfering

there are these cut out corners on either side

Bildschirmfoto 2024-08-03 um 20.51.03

these would naturally break the chamfer since one side is barely above 3 mm. and 6 mm also would leave you with a very thin edge on top, you might want to evaluate first what you actually want to do before you try to chamfer the crap out of it.

alternatively you make a triangle

extrude it

then use BooleanDifference, here i made the distance 4 mm

that should work regardless how your corners look like

I have OSX 14.6, and I get the same results as @encephalon described.

Another workaround is WireCut. Draw a line at an angle in a side view, and cut/remove the unwanted part.

Thanks All

As I explained previously, the workaround I used was MakeHole.

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