Sweep1 doesn’t work for me. I need to sweep four lines along multiple rails and only some of the sweeps are created.
I believe
220508-forum.gh (20.0 KB)
my data trees are correct:
Can you help me identify the problem?
Sweep1 doesn’t work for me. I need to sweep four lines along multiple rails and only some of the sweeps are created.
I believe
220508-forum.gh (20.0 KB)
my data trees are correct:
Can you help me identify the problem?
The problem isn’t data tree, is that you are trying to adjusting the curve seams.
Thanks for you input hesro, but you sweep with rectangles and not lines. The diffrence is significant because sweeping with rectangles make texture mapping wrong later on. So I need to explode the rectangles and do indyvidual sweeps with each lines.
I took your simplified script and tried to make line sweeps:
because the curves are planar I would also consider not sweeping but just offset + extrude + loft + cap holes
You can deconstruct sweep and get each faces, i think it will work well this way. ( btw @inno 's approach may also work depending on what you want to achieve.)
good, I also think you might get the very same final result by exploding the final breps as @hesro suggested in his last post