SwampRover vehicle concept for CARBO

SwampRover vehicle concept for CARBO
Pure NURBS done in RHino8
Mud and terrain was done in Houdini.
Rendered through Renderman 25.2 with AO Integrator

Dave Rindner


It’s functional?

Yes. Its rigged up in Houdini for animation with FX rig for leaving ruts in mud and kicking up wet mud.


Its 3D Printable . If time and cost are taken to 3D print parts individually , there is proper fit and clearance to reassemble the physical parts into a functional (rollable ) minuature. In Rhino it is life sized, so it has to be imported into 3D print app at 1/72 scale.

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Previz tease


It’s great to bring to reality with a little electronics

Printing 3D model out of PEM, gluing it together, then adding LED lights . Makes for a neat toy.
STL and 3D printing is the greatest advance in toy and hobby industry. Like ever.

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Look dev and vehicle dynamics
Terrain and mudFX are done in Houdini. Render engine is Pixar Renderman 25.2. Comped in NUKE.


Hi @Dave_Rindner

Awesome work!

It would be great to see a longer video. Id love to see the vehicle sink deeper into the slime and throw up all sorts of mud and sticks and swamp debris some of getting on the vehicle and dripping down then a windshield wiper wiping the windshield clean.

It looks like this could be hooked up in Unreal or Unity and driven around in real time using a steering wheel controller. I think Houdini has a direct link to Unreal for simulation models like your swamp slime.

Inspiring work, thanks for sharing.

Dirt and muddy glass shaders are in dev. The scratched oxidized revs of it are seen in still , posted earlier. Production calls for vehicle go appear in multiple environments. All of them wet and hot, as story take place in a hostile hot tropical primordial environment.
Military experience has shown that in dirty , muddy envrionment, windshieldwipers don’t really work. They just smear mud and water creatting hazy heavily refracted obscuration. Keeping glass clean requires constant supply of chemicals and water with spraying equipment. A better system recirculates collected water and lets it just cascade over the surface, letting surface tension of water to pick up dirt. The glass is not clean but it is clear enough to be usable. Design of windshield has to have a reverse slope. The vehicle’s speed makes aerodynamics a non-consideration.


Here is the updated look dev with dirty glass, lighting effects, and experimental night synthetic vision look (WIP).

Dave Rindner

THis is the lastest look dev. Mud on glass, UV light bluish tint on glass, morning, day, low light, and thermal syntetic vision looks. I may not be able to anymore on this thread. But maybe.

Dave Rindner

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Hi @Dave_Rindner
Nice work and good luck on the project.
I viewed your demo reel on artstation pretty impressive.
Thanks for sharing.

I meant ABS or PLA materials. PEM is for membrane electricity generation used in air independent power generation.