Modeling heavy duty tires?

I was wondering if there was a video tutorial for modeling jeep like tires ,I’ve been looking but can’t find anything specific to just tires , I got the main hub built but am not sure how to place the heavy treads on the surface , help from a pro would be appreciated .

I’m certainly not a “pro”, but you could always try a displacement pattern into a mesh, and do some cylindrical mapping. The mask will be the tread, and you can viginette the outside to get a smoother transition.

Depends how realisitic is has to be I guess.

I’ve used FlowAlongSrf to put ‘flat’ treads on to a tire surface, but I think realistically for this sort of tire this is more just a polar array of tread shapes modeled straight on to the carcass shape.

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okay sounds interesting , how do I go about doing that , again is there a video to show how to do that ?

yeah I think the array idea will work , I was thinking ’ push pull ’ with some sort of outer tire shape for the curvature might work as well .