I am trying to recreate these surfaces, but cannot find a solution.
I got two approaches, but I’m not sure how to proceed.
Now I am looking for hints how to solve this.
I’m looking forward to any suggestions. Thank you!
I am trying to recreate these surfaces, but cannot find a solution.
I got two approaches, but I’m not sure how to proceed.
Now I am looking for hints how to solve this.
I’m looking forward to any suggestions. Thank you!
Your second approach looks really good! Are you just having trouble filling in the surface in between the two blends?
Yes, that is the first problem. I can just use a 2 rail sweep but then i got this sharp corner, which isn’t optimal I think.
But afterwards I also need to do fillet everything with G3 which, will be my next problem coming up…
Try opening up your edges a little like I show here:
I suggest point editing your surfaces, not trimming - you want those nice clean surface edges. Then, you can loft between the two surfaces to fill the gap. Then trim or split them all back along the common edges, and fill with BlendSrf. That’s the gist in broad strokes at least!
You’re basically making what’s called a y blend - I suggest using the “cheaters” method I describe here starting at 59:05:
Thanks alot for now! I’ll try this out tomorrow.
Edit: Great tutorials btw!
So I’m back at the problem and tried to do what you suggested and opened up the edges.
But I don’t really understand where to loft. It won’t give me any clean surface.
I can’t find any proper solution, how to fill this surface between the two belts, struggeling to find any patch layout.
@sgreenawalt How would you tackle this?
Ah, that’s quite a bit different from what you posted before. In this case, you’ve sorta put the cart before the horse - your original surface should be whatever the shape of that big surface is between everything, and then the rest of your geometry gets set relative to that primary surface. If you want to post your file I can show you some different ways of approaching it.
So this is the file:
Blend_Test.3dm (360.4 KB)
And also another reference image what I actually want to achieve (the surfaces in the yellow circle).
Thank you so much!
My version of the basic surfaces is attached. In this case - ever so slightly tweaking your original geometry - this is what I’d do for your primary surfacing:
Where you had lots of “pairs” of surfaces, I would combine all of those into one. I also made it so your whole “side” surface is one single unbroken surface, and then the part that blends off of that simply matches to it by an isocurve split. I adjusted your geometry so the edges of the front surfaces sit on that planar surface and trim it out. In this particular case, I would recommend starting with something like this, and then doing a “regular” y blend like I show at the beginning of my video, instead of the “cheater” version.
Blend_Test_SG.3dm (3.0 MB)
After some step-by-step following your great video, I got quite close I think.
My surfaces aren’t perfect yet, but enough for my needs for now.
Thank your so much!
Looking good!!
One more offtopic question to your file.
Your environment settings are great. Is there a way to export them from your file or set them as the default?
Sure thing! So I just use the Gradient 2 Colors selection for my background in Rendered view. For the top color I have:
For the bottom:
I turn off the Skylight in Rendered view - it mimics the V5 Rendered view look much more that way, and I’m just really used to looking at my surfaces like that. Once you set the Background 2 Colors on a file locally, it should have the same settings when you open/create new files.
this chapter in the lev 2 manual gives a detailed how to on what you just did-
You inspired me to practice y blends more - they are always so tricky, fun and challenging!
Blend_Test_SG2_RH5.3dm (1.0 MB)
well done!
Looks perfect!
I tried to do this, preserving the 5/7 degree layout of the primary surfaces. Quickly figured out I was never going to get smooth patches. You’ve beautifully demonstrated the value in upping surface degrees.