Sun position bug

Not sure how to report bugs but this looks like one of them. I saved file with sun location in Sydney. Every time I open the file it changes it to Seattle. When I attempt to change it it automatically picks Magadan even though I clicked on Sydney. It only allows me to select Sydney if I select it 3 times in row. I have to keep changing it every time I open the file.

I don’t think it’s a bug, I think the Sun settings are simply not saved with the file.

Maybe @andy can shed some light on this though?

could be… but I think that if you click on Sydney for sun position it should stay but instead what it does is I click on Sydney and it changes it to Magadan and if you do it again the it works…have a look at this video …Anyway I don’t need this to be resolved now I just thought I will let developers know about it…

It seems like you’re on nXt 3.0 correct? There’s a free update to nXt 5.0 which uses Rhino’s sun and it doesn’t have this problem. If you click on Sydney, it’ll stick to Sydney!

If you want to try, you can download it from here,

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I have version 5. It says no updates are available. Maybe there is something wrong with my computer. I will try reinstalling everything and see what happens

I reinstalled everything including windows and drivers and it does the same thing regardless of what file I open…I couldn’t use the link you provided because it says my license key is not valid even though I used the same one to download it from here


Thanks for your persistence! I was able to reproduce it. It’s now logged under FL-6193.