I have a simple file. I have tried the command convert to nurbs, but the objects do not select and do not read as objects. [dialog box: no objects selected, 0 NURBS curve will be created]. If I try to export as an stl file, it pops up with “no surface objects to export.” I exported it to a new Rhino file, and there is nothing in the file.
I’m new to subd tools, so I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
Seems like your objects are fine here. You are using ToNurbs, right? Once you run the command, the Subd objects remain highlighted. At that point, you can hide them or put them on a different layer and your NURBS objects will be left.
If you’re not sure which objects in your file are NURBS and which are Subds, try commands like SelPolysrf or SelSubd or Selsrf.
Also, if your goal is to export your parts as STL files, you don’t need to convert them using ToNurbs first.