Hi! I have a problem with this surface and I don’t understand if it is due to the topology of Sudb. It seems like there is a defect: the reflection is not 100% clean.
Would anyone be able to help me? I also upload the Rhino 7 file. I need the shape to respect the red top and side curves.
Spoon.3dm (331.1 KB)
(Brian James)
January 23, 2024, 2:57pm
Hi @Marco_Dall_Olio ,
I’d use InsertPoint and add this edge to turn that Ngon into two Quads instead.
1 Like
I can’t reply your edge, i don’t know why
(Brian James)
January 23, 2024, 3:36pm
Do you have Vertex Osnaps enabled?
Thank you brian, it worked!
1 Like
Bad topology !
Spoon.3dm (4.1 MB)
Hey thank you for the model. Can you convert it to rhino 7 so I can learn from it? Thank you so much