How do I get an end edge of a subd surface to conform to a defined shape. For example the outer edge of my subd surface is a slightly distorted ellipse. I would like it to conform to a perfect ellipse.
Similar question: I have a helix that I want to conform to the surface of a cone. How to do this? (I realize I can taper a helix but am simplifying my question.)
You can use the Align command > To Curve option to align control points of the SubD to an ellipse curve. If you have at least 8 points it’ll be pretty close but as Pascal mentioned not as precise as NURBS.
For the Helix question, Pull or Project may work for you but it depends on how far the helical curve is from the surface.
Post a 3dm file to show the specific objects you’re working with. You can use the Export command to save out only the selected objects too. Project uses the Cplane normal and Pull uses surface normals.
Sure, email with a comment and the file or use if it’s too big to email. Say for BrianJ in the comment and I’ll see it.