Thanks for the kind words, but I have to disagree about car bodies… It can do car bodies, and quite nicely I might add…
also fwiw, our subd is not tsplines based- It’s catmull clark based, was written fresh in house here by the unsinkable Dr. Dale Lear (with supporting help from many Mcneelies) and and is a much less fragile than early Tsplines was. I understand Tsplines has come a long way since Autodesk bought it, but when I was there it was still pretty easy to bork your model pretty bad.
Our set up is super flexible, meaning you can make ugly stuff with terrible topology, and it won’t break or crash in my experience so far. I have been POUNDING on it here and it’s performed really nicely. With this and the new render tools updates, I’m really excited about v7!
see these posts-
this one for more-
this one for a basic starting point layout-
and a David Bently video (not with rhino) but great for subd layout and modeling concepts.